Perfecting Church International Women are encouraged to get connected with each other either through small group studies, prayers meetings, various classes, the large Monthly gatherings and the Annual retreats with the purpose to deepen our relationship with God and with each other. We see ourselves as a company of Women where each one can be connected, trained, and empowered to grow spiritually and to develop their gifts to serve and impact her world including the immediate family, the Church family and the community at large.

We come together as Women in a relaxed setting to enjoy great teachings, discussions, prayer and to build friendships that become "strong towers". We stand together in time of need, we support one another when challenges come and we lean on each other as we face the various trials of life. We organize weekly meetings, events and service opportunities designed to unite our hearts, and encourage each other as daughters of the Most High. Please check our Events page to see what is coming up soon. Volunteers are welcome to assist with planning and executing any of our activities and we'd love to have you join the different friendly outlets for women to connect, to pray for each other, and to build each other up. We meet to pray for an hour every Saturday morning 7am - 8am. The women Ministry also encourage the younger ladies to be part of the women meetings, prayers and activities as they prepare the younger generation to learn things that pertain to women because they believe one day they also will become adult to face the different challenges and experiences women face today.


The MISSION of the women's ministry is to empower, strengthen and encourage women.

"Older women like wise are to be... teaching what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be responsible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subjected to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored" (Titus 2:3-5).


Increase women participation to serve God through:
Harvesting events
Women's social platform e.g share recipe etc
Share groups
Create opportunities where women can minister to women
Create safe environments
Help start and maintain effective prayer lives and teach the discipline to their children
Start and maintain interest groups e.g Cooking classes, book clubs etc
Address health issues


Meeting fortnightly for prayer/bible study
Monthly Events
Maintain spiritual reading groups
Annual Women's retreat
Annual Women's conference
Win Women for Christ

The roles & responsibilities of the women's leadership board include the following:

Market the women's ministry
Recruit for the women's Ministry