“Honour Your Man Of God”, Rev. Kathy Tells PCI…

Sunday the 13th of November 2016 promised to be a service like no other, not only was the father of the house on seat, Bishop HF Edwards, but Perfecting Church International (SA) was also graciously favoured to be host to beautiful and dynamic Reverend Kathy Kiuna all the way from Jubilee Christian Church (JCC) Kenya who is under the leadership of her husband Bishop Allan Kiuna. Rev. Kathy Kiuna, a revered Woman of God, wife and mother of two beautiful daughters and one handsome son, is also a passionate advocate of the message to women all over the World. Through her Women’s ministry “Daughters of Zion”, Reverend Kathy gathers thousands of women in Nairobi every Month and ministers to them along the mandate given to her by God to raise up the standard among women and to remove obstacles that keep the women bound but rather enlighten them on the fact that nobody can limit them but themselves. “Women are my primary calling,” Reverend Kathy said in a reaction with PCI News & Social Media crew “I have a strong calling towards women and I can’t wait to come back here to minister to the women.” Accompanying her was Pastor Joyce Ndeda, spiritual daughter to reverend Kathy Kiuna and the wife to Pastor Elias Ndeda, Senior Pastor of Eagles Christian Church.

After the Perfecting choir had stirred up the atmosphere, announcements had been made, the father of the house Bishop H.F Edwards climbed the stage to introduce whom he called a sister and a dear friend, Reverend Kathy Kiuna, who immediately climbing the stage had everyone in stitches as she said “Let me begin by demystifying myself to you,” and began telling the congregation about who she is with comic interjections however the message was clear. She introduced the topic “Honouring Your man of God” as she took her reading from Romans 10:14-15.

The woman of God told the congregation that God is a God of order and never doubts His decisions. She said, God always see the needs of His people before visiting one person He would call to deposit all that will be needed to minister to the people. She mentioned that, when God saw what Perfecting Church International would need, He visited Bishop H.F Edwards and deposited it all into him to lead, to steward, to intercede for, to guide, to protect, to teach, to love, to father and to be used as a conduit by God to reach His people. She told the congregation “Your Pastor is a gift from God, honour him, without him you become prey to the imagination of the enemy.”

She admonished the congregation to guard their Pastor from people who speak bad and evil of him, because pastors have sleepless night because of the people they shepherd, they fight battles for them, they go through hell and high waters for them and they pay the price for the people of the church. “That is why he deserves to be treated with respect and double honour.”

She explained that the bible teaches of two types of authority, the first one is the direct authority, meaning there are things believers can access directly like, the name of Jesus and the second authority is the authority given to the Pastors to address the people thus warranting double honour. She reiterated the importance and the responsibility of the church which is to pray for the shepherd of the house and show him respect and take care of him. She explained that irrespective of what may have been declared negatively over anybody’s life before even by their biological fathers could be reversed by the positive declarations made by their spiritual father, just like the story of Reuben, after his father had said he would be unstable as water, Moses spoke and reversed that negative word over his life, that is the mystery behind Your Man Of God and that is why it is critical to give them double honour.

Reverend Kathy concluded her teaching by sharing her husband and her testimony about their humble beginnings and how because they honoured the Woman of God who guided, taught, covered and prayed for them, they in turn have been highly blessed today and are a blessing to many. Before leaving the stage she encouraged the congregation by the leading of the spirit to bless the set man of the house and the entire church went forward to bless the father of the house who in turn after thanking the church gave what the church sowed to him, back into the HF Edwards Education fund that pays for the school fees of the church family children. He also appreciated the Woman of God for the blessed word and gave opportunity to sons and daughters who wants to be a blessing to the Woman of God to show her how much we appreciated and love her.

Rev. Kathy Kiuna in a her last words to the church said, “I really love this church and how they are receptive to the word of God, I had a beautiful and amazing time here, my husband and I completely love your Bishop whom we met so many years ago.”“make sure that you sanctify the man of God over your life, in your heart not by word of mouth but from the bottom of your heart, because God looks inward, so love your man of God dearly in your heart, honour him from your heart and as you do that God Himself will begin to honour you.”


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